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Fast easy stomach exercises

If you're looking to start up a workout program to slim the tummy and get rid of your love handles, performing the right exercises will be key.  By fully challenging all the muscles surrounding the core region, you can see better fat burning benefits and really get that toned look that you're going for.
Unfortunately though, many women spend far too much time on exercises that won't deliver, which is why it's definitely worth your time and effort to learn those that will.  The Plank
The very first exercise to include is the plank.  The plank should always be a standby in your ab workout because not only is it going to work the abs, but it'll also work all the muscles lining the back as well.
To perform it simply place the forearms on the floor underneath the body with the legs stretched out behind you, balancing on your toes.  When in this position keep your body as flat as possible so you resemble that of a table top.
Crunches On An Exercise Ball
Next up on our list of exercises to target your tummy are crunches on an exercise ball.  These are fantastic for calling the muscle fibers deep within the core into play.  Due to the reduced base of support underneath you, you're going to have to work that much harder to maintain balance.
Try and perform a set of 12 reps at a time before taking a rest and continuing on.
Lying Leg Raises
Third, leg raises are the next exercise to include.  These are fantastic for working the lower abdominal muscles, which tends to be problematic for most women. 
To perform them, lie flat on the ground and then slowly lift the legs up off the floor and bring them to ninety degrees.  The Bicycle
The bicycle is another excellent tummy exercise that will firm those love handles quickly.  To perform this one lift the legs slightly above the ground while you bring one knee into the chest.  While doing so, simultaneously twist the body so the opposite side comes to meet that knee and then reverse directions for the next rep.
Accordion Sit-Ups
First, get into a flat lying position on the floor. 
Pause at the top and then lower back down again.
So there you have the top tummy toners that will quickly firm up your stomach and help you see faster results. If you can combine all of these three times a week with a good appetite suppressant such as Phen375 to help you maintain your lower calorie diet, it won't be long before you have your own set of toned abs.

Stuck in the dreaded weight loss plateau techniques

Stuck in the dreaded weight loss plateau techniques
Workout Techniques To Smash Through Any Plateau

Suffering from a weight loss plateau? There’s no sense tossing away all the hard work you’ve put in when by making a few adjustments, you can accelerate your progress forward.
Let’s have a quick peak at a few of the top workout techniques that you should try out if you’re stuck in that dreaded weight loss plateau.

Introduce Interval Training 

The first and probably most effective way to bust through a plateau is to introduce interval training. If you’ve been slugging it out on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical, doing moderate paced sessions for what seems like hours on end, this has got to change.
These types of workouts are just not going to produce the high level of results you’re after so really should be avoided in the first place.

Substitute periods of very high intensity work with periods of lower intense workout for 30-60 second intervals. Do that two to three times per week and watch your results soar.

Change Weight Lifting Formats

Next, also consider changing around your strength training program. If you’ve been using free weights for quite some time, think about switching it up and using weight machines instead.
Or, try kettlebell training.

Even just changing some of the exercises you’re doing around can be enough to totally renew the program and get you seeing faster results.

If you’ve been pushing hard for a very long time, chances are your body is quite exhausted and could use the break.

Creating An Extreme Weight Loss Diet Plan

Looking for extreme weight loss success? Have a deadline to reach for your weight loss goals?

Whatever the case, if you are in a hurry to shed the excess weight you’re carrying around, chances are you’re on the hunt for one of the ultra low calorie diets out there. While you should never use an extreme weight loss diet plan for the long haul (as they will cause harm regardless if carried out for extended periods of time), over the short term, if done right, they can be safe to use.

Let’s go over the main points that you must know if you’re going to be creating an extreme weight loss diet plan for yourself.
Focus On Protein

The first component to get in place on any extreme weight loss diet plan is protein. If you start to lose lean muscle mass, which is quite common on extreme weight loss plans, you’re headed for long-term trouble
Get Your Greens

So for any dieter on an intense diet program, that’s really a win-win scenario.

Eating more greens throughout this diet is only going to make your life that much easier.

Drink More Water

Very low calorie diet plans do tend to have dehydrating effects on the body, so to avoid this from happening to you, make sure that you are staying as well hydrated as possible.

Keep A Calendar

So there you have the main points to know about extreme weight loss diets. Do these wisely and you will see fast results and meet your weight loss deadline.

Can You Trust A Weight Loss Chart?

As you go about your weight loss program plan, one thing that you’ll want to consider is whether a weight loss chart is really the best way to measure how you’re doing with your program.

Many people use weight loss charts as they assess their progress and how they’re doing, and it can really control their emotions.
The first problem with weight loss charts is that they can encourage you to go to extremes with your diet plan if you’re going to aim to see as fast of fat loss as possible.

Basically, if you see that you’re in the overweight category and have 15 pounds to lose to get to normal weight, that gives you a firm amount of weight to shed and you may think the faster you can do this, the better.

The second reason why a weight loss chart isn’t going to be ideal is because they don’t factor in muscle tissue.If you’ve been building a high amount of muscle through intense workout sessions or are just naturally muscular as you’ve been athletic your entire life, the weight loss chart will not account for this.

Finally, last but not least, if you’re a teen or a parent of a teen who is using the chart for them, realize that teens do grow at different rates and it can take a bit of time for their body weight to normalize to the weight they will naturally be at as an adult.

For this reason, avoid using the weight loss charts for teens. If your teen or you are slightly heavy, be patient. Let your body finish its growth process and then you can focus on dieting if need be.

Overall, weight loss charts typically are not the best approach to be using.

Can You See Extreme Weight Loss And Stay Safe? 

If you’re on a fat loss program at the moment, one of the top things that you may be questioning is just how fast you can lose weight and stay safe while you do it.

What’s the most extreme rate of weight loss that you should even consider?

Your Diet Time Frame

Remember, all diets are essentially ‘starving’ you to some degree. If you plan to diet for more than a couple weeks, you’re better off accepting a slower rate of weight loss and making sure that it stays off for good.

How Much Weight You Have To Lose

Moving along, also ask yourself how much weight you have to lose. Are we talking a couple pounds here?

If you have more than 10 pounds to lose, you aren’t going to do that using any extreme weight loss plans and stay safe.
Get on the intense diet and get off it just as fast.

The more intense the diet is, the faster you’ll lose that weight anyway, allowing you to come off that fast.

But, if you have many pounds to lose, you simply aren’t ever going to lose them ‘fast’.

Your Body Tendency 

Finally, also consider your body tendency. Do you tend to store fat easily? In that situation, you may not perform so well on extreme weight loss diets. Extreme weight loss may be possible in some cases, but in many where there is more weight to lose, a moderate approach is the safest bet.